Timeline creation software
Timeline creation software

  1. #Timeline creation software full#
  2. #Timeline creation software software#

  • Quick sharing: Download the timeline you create in different formats or use the URL to share or embed it on your website.
  • Flexibility: Drag and drop tasks on date ranges to reschedule them, zoom into specific time periods for a better overview, and create custom color palettes for your projects.
  • And you can assign custom colors to each layer for stronger differentiation.
  • Layers: You can use their Layers function to sort tasks or events by assignees or similar descriptions.
  • Clean interface: Preceden’s platform has a neat and organized interface where you can find what you want and avoid clutter.
  • Preceden is an interactive timeline maker that helps individuals and small teams create professional timelines. The free plan has limited functionality and no collaborative features, however, so it may work best for solo projects or short team assignments. If you want to create a straightforward timeline, then the free version of Office Timeline is a useful tool.
  • Downloads: Download a watermarked image of your timeline and share it manually with team members.
  • Move them around the timeline to reschedule.
  • Tasks: Create tasks with color labels, dates, and descriptions.
  • Templates: The online platform offers varying templates to help PMs kick start their project roadmap.
  • Simple timelines: You can create a project overview timeline that shows the start and end dates, along with events and milestones.
  • The web-based timeline maker has the following features: Teams can use Office Timeline to build timelines and roadmaps for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

    #Timeline creation software software#

    We compiled a few of the leading free timeline software providers: 1. Get started with The top 3 free timeline softwares

    #Timeline creation software full#

    And, to give you the full picture, we’ve also listed why - a paid timeline maker - is a great choice for any team. We’ve listed 3 leading free timeline software in this article to get you started. Online timeline software allows users to add and edit tasks, and milestones on a dynamic bar chart. The feature helps project managers (PMs) see task and project progress at a single glance. In project management, a timeline is a visual overview of all project tasks arranged in chronological order.

    timeline creation software timeline creation software timeline creation software

    And a key feature that most project planning tools offer is the timeline. Over 98% of project managers said they used software for project planning in 2020.

    Timeline creation software